Our webinars will enhance your knowledge of the SALSA Scheme and its implementation. They focus on specific areas of the Standard, often areas that are common non-conformances in audits. Gain valuable insights and practical tips from SALSA Auditors and industry experts with first-hand experience working with the Scheme.
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Webinars To Watch Now
How to Develop Food Safety Culture in a Small Food & Drink Business
"Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching." CS Lewis
Success with SALSA is not just about meeting the requirements of a single clause; it is about implementing the guiding principles that support an effective food safety culture. This webinar explores food safety culture and how it can be implemented in small food businesses.
The webinar covers:
Practical tips for building a strong food safety culture.
Setting clear expectations for food safety.
Encouraging employee engagement.
Advice on encouraging open communication.
Discussion of ideas around holding employees accountable for following food safety protocols.
The role of leadership in building and maintaining a strong food safety culture.
Introduction to SALSA
A must-watch for food and drink businesses who are thinking about joining SALSA!
Written by experienced food safety experts, SALSA is a robust and effective food safety certification scheme which is appropriate for smaller food producers and suppliers. However, we understand that an audit can feel daunting. This webinar, led by SALSA Auditor, Alison Sawyer, explains what you can expect and give real examples of where businesses do well and where they do not!
The webinar covers:
SALSA right for your business?
Standard Requirements
Good practices (bad practices)
TOP TIPS from a SALSA Auditor
Food Defence
Your food defence plan is a critical component of food safety management. It is crucial for safeguarding the food supply chain and protecting public health and consumer confidence.
The webinar covers:
What is food defence? (including food fraud, adulteration, and substitution)
The SALSA requirement
Creating a food defence plan for your business
Threats and control measures
Effective Traceability
SALSA Standard Requirement: “Traceability of products and ingredients shall be tested each way at least annually, and more frequently if there are known risks in the supply chain.”
Success with SALSA is not just about meeting the requirements of a single clause; it is about implementing the guiding principles that support an effective food safety culture. This webinar explores food safety culture and how it can be implemented in small food businesses.
Presented by SALSA Auditor Alison Sawyer, this webinar explores the different issues around traceability:
What is end-to-end traceability?
Why is traceability important?
How do you set up an effective traceability system?
The webinar explores the SALSA Traceability Requirements, including:
Traceability procedure
Forward and Backwards traceability
How can your traceability system fail?
What is the difference between traceability testing and mock recalls?
Effective Pest Control
Hosted by industry expert Paul Westgate from Veritas Pest Consultancy, this webinar looks at pest control issues facing food and drink producers. Paul has over 20+ years knowledge and he shares the latest industry research and tools to achieve the pest control clauses within the SALSA Standard.
This high-energy webinar will give you the tools to manage an efficient and effective pest control system, covering:
The location of pest control measures and identification on a plan/diagram of the site
Pest control review process
Premises design - how to minimise the risk of pest infestation
Assessment and analysis of pest control inspection results for trends
Effective management of pest control operators
Appropriateness and usage of baits and other materials such as insecticide sprays or fumigants