Work with us


SALSA Auditors are professionals with proven food industry experience in the fields of operation they will be auditing. To verify this, all Auditors must have been accepted by the IFST Register of Professional Food Auditors and Mentors (RPFAM).

Our local auditor approach means we review our auditing cohort each year to identify areas of the country where additional auditors are required and we will look at your application at that time. Audit work is allocated centrally by SALSA operations to the Auditor who is closest to the Supplier and with the matching 'field of experience' the Supplier requires. A 'standard' audit takes place over a five-hour period plus one hour of online reporting back at your base. The actual time spent with the Supplier will vary dependent on size, readiness and other circumstances. Auditors are paid on completion of the work by SALSA at a fixed rate.

All applicants need to be approved and listed with the IFST Register of Professional Food Auditors and Mentors (RPFAM).

If you're interested in auditing for SALSA and are an experienced auditor with the right skills and empathy to work with smaller businesses you can apply to SALSA by submitting the application form below, along with your CV, to

SPP17a Auditor Mentor - Application Form

SPP17 - Terms of Engagement

SPP24 - SALSA Auditor Mentor Code of Conduct