SALSA Approved

Yorkshire Dales Meat Co. Ltd.

Yorkshire Dales House, Hackforth, Bedale, DL8 1FN

01748 810042


9000 sq ft State of the Art Cutting Plant Aberdeen Angus Farmer turned Producer Butchery and Processing of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Poultry and Game Sausages, Burgers, Marinated and Cooked Products produced Company Mission Statement We listen to our customers and work in partnership with them, to provide the quality of service they deserve and meet our mutual objectives

Sausages Burgers BBQ Meats Meats Bacon Gammon Poultry Beef Lamb Offal Pork Chicken Turkey Venison Grouse Pheasant Cooked Meats

SALSA Approved

Yorkshire Dales Meat Co. Ltd.
has been approved by SALSA.

SALSA Food & Drink Production

Expiry Date
21 August 2025

View Certificate